Thursday, July 21, 2011

In Loving Memory

I'd like to take a moment and remember my Uncle Nick.  Many of my friends knew of Uncle Nick through my stories and most recently because of his poor condition.  I first met Uncle Nick in 1999, he's really not my uncle but that's what I've always called him.  Nick was the God Father of my deceased husband Eddie and was the best man at our wedding.  From day one Nick and I hit it off.  He was absolutely the most funniest person I have ever met.  After my husband died Nick and I stayed in close contact, talking on the phone for hours almost daily.  Nick had no family here in Florida to call his own, although they were living just miles down the road.  A messy divorce separate this great man from his family, but he found a new family with good friends and neighbors.  On June 10, 2011 Nick went in for a surgical procedure and suffered a massive stroke immediately thereafter.  Waiting at the hospital I realized after a few hours that something had to be wrong and upon receiving the news, I was left in a situation like I had never been in before.  I had been friends with Nick for 12 years, but had no way of getting in touch with his brothers or his distant children. I called another friend who was able to contact his brothers.  Day by day I visited Nick at the hospital, giving him words of encouragement and talking to him for hours although he could not return the conversation.  I had planned my trip to California for the convention with CTMH and saw Nick for the last time on Sunday before I left.  I reminded him that I would be back in a week and to keep up all the hard work he had been doing through his treatment and therapy.  As I landed in California, I received that dreadful call that Nick had passed away, just minutes before I touched down.  Alone he died without me by his side as I had been since that first day, I only hope he did not suffer and thought of me as I was thinking of him every minute I was away.   Upon my return, the very next morning I attended Nick's funeral.  I will always remember Nick for the kind man that he was, for his unique sense of humor, our great friendship, and for all support he gave to me and my family through the years.  God bless you Nick and may you finally find the peace you so deserve.

Love me......

1 comment:

  1. Such a lovely post, Tamra. He obviously meant a great deal to you and you to him. It warms my heart that you all shared such a strong bond and you were there for him when he had no family close by. I'm sorry for your loss.


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