Friday, December 28, 2012

New Idea Book Has Arrived

Like clockwork each year a day or so after Christmas the upcoming Spring/Summer catalogs arrive.  Like a kid at Christmas I can hardly wait to open the box.  As I rip off the tape, I can see a glimpse of this wonderfully bright, cheerful and amazing book.  I spent most of the day thumbing through and putting together my order lists for upcoming events.

The new Idea Book goes live February 1st, but you can pre-order yours FREE today, right here.  Its easy, sign up for an upcoming event in January, RSVP for my Open House February 1st from 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. or if you are unable to attend I can ship one to you for $5.  Postage rates have increased, just click on the paypal button and your catalog will be shipped to you. 

 Its a New Year and to celebrate I am offering new clubs, classes, workshops and more...RSVP today to reserve your spot and to receive your FREE Idea Book.

January 13:  Cards Plus Club 12-3. 
Club fee:  $25 minimum CTMH purchase.

January 18:  Event Calendar Workshop 6-9. 
Workshop fee:  $20

January 18:  Bella Via Scrapbook Class 1-5 and  6-9. 
Class fee, pre-payment of the WOTG kit.

January 19:  Valentine Workshop 11-3. 
Workshop fee:  $35

February 1:  Spring/Summer Idea Book Open House 1-7 p.m.
February 2:  Mom and Me Valentine Workshop II 11-3 p.m., Workshop Fee $15

Quick overview: 

Cards Plus: Create 2 cards and 1 altered project.
Scrapbook Class:  Create 3 two page layouts.
Event Calendar Workshop:  Create an Event Calendar that you can use over and over again, year after year.
Valentine's Day Workshop:  Create 10 cards, 5 tags, 5 treat holders and 1 altered project.
Mom and Me Valentine Workshop:  Create enough cards for your family and a special altered project.

Please RSVP no later than January 5th to reserve your spot. 
I hope you have a Happy New Year and stay inky my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to get my hands on my own copy of this great catalog! Looking forward to it :) Kathi


Comments are greatly appreciated, thanks for stopping by and stay inky my friends :)