Saturday, December 29, 2012

What I loved the most about this Christmas

So I'm getting back into the blogging world and thought I'd share some of my favorite Christmas memories from this year. 
Homemade Apple Pie!  That's all I have to say about that :)
 Watching my little girl Reese taking a peek in her stocking.
 Kimber playing with her sister's favorite toy from Grandma.
 Reese waiting for me to throw her new ball.
Spending time with my niece on Christmas morning. Emily turned 4 this month and she is the only child in our family, so its so much fun being with her and she loves to play with Aunt Tamra....we blew bubbles, took pictures with her new leap pad, watched her ride her bike from Santa and then I drew her this picture of her and her bike on this sketch toy. Now, who is the real kid....hum?  It might be me :)
 The lights.
and my trees and collection of ornaments.
Besides all these wonderful gifts in my life, the best gift of all was a gift I gave myself.  I quit smoking almost 2 months ago. They say every cigarette you turn down you add a day to your life, which gives me more time with my husband, family and friends. 
Have a blessed New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Tamra! Its a real challenge but worth it. My husband and I quit in July. Now to get the extra weight off! Happy New Year!


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