Such a late post today, I've been so busy since I've been back....that is with work! Hard to believe being gone for 5 days can put you behind weeks.....anyways, this is the forth layout and I dedicated this one to my beloved Jasmine Marie. Jasmine was my greatest love in my life for many years. Funny how we came together, my deceased husband was an alcoholic and one day when I came home from work, he said he was getting a dog....what? I could barely keep up with him and now he wanted a dog? One more thing for me to take care of? Well I lost that discussion and off we drove 60 miles from home to pick out his dog....when we arrived, I was told by the breeder to let the dog pick you, well, Jasmine ran right up to me....she wrapped her front paws around my neck and hugged me so....and I fell in love. Needless to say Jasmine loved me from the beginning and the feeling was mutual. We only had Jasmine 13 months when Eddie died. It was just the two of us facing this great big world together. Jasmine was my shoulder to cry on, the one I leaned on, and the one that was by my side for years to come. Jasmine is the big doggy here, she was a German Rottweiler and the biggest baby in the world and she was mine. Last October I went on a Tim Holtz Caribbean cruise for 8 days and Jasmine stayed at home with my hubby, Todd and my mom came during the day to babysit. Jasmine was grandma's favorite....Just before I left, mom and I sat in the house and played with Jasmine and her sister Reese (a miniature black and tan dachshund) and we took these amazing pictures of them together. I returned from my trip on Sunday afternoon and I thought all was well. Jasmine had walked with a limp for the past 5 years, the vet said it was probably arthritis, a common condition in this breed. Later that night, the dogs heard something in the preserve behind our home and they ran out to the porch to check it out and out of no where, Jasmine started crying....she had reared up and when she landed she had broken her leg, it is 11:30 p.m., and off to the emergency clinic we go. Once the x-rays were taken the vet came in to tell me that she was full of bone cancer and there was nothing they could do to save her and we had to put her down. So selfish I am, I fought the process, demanding a second opinion, and counseling from other vets and radiologists, to the point my hubby had to pull me out of the room as I grasped Jasmine so tight like that first hug we shared. I'm sure it was moments later, but it felt like hours, I gave the word to the vet, by her side, I stayed as my best friend, my companion, my protector, my baby girl laid there with her great big brown eyes staring back at me with such love, as we both said good bye to each other. Still today, I can barely type this as I cry. I have lost loved ones in my life, but this was different. This was unconditional love like a mother and a child, she was my everything and I truly miss her and always will. With that being said, I needed to do this layout as a dedication to Jasmine Marie. I think of her everyday and she makes me smile. I really want to talk about a few techniques but I'm too upset, I'll finish this post tomorrow.

Now that I have my composure back I'll wrap this post up. The title to the layout is done with CTMH chip board alphabets, stamped and covered with liquid glass.
These flowers are amazing and easy to make......
click here to a tutorial from my March 28, 2012 post.
The cardstock boarder strip is from the Cricut AP cartridge, just covered partially.
The charms are found objects,little tokens my best friend from high school gave me after Jasmine's passing.
Oh....and I covered the tips of the hat pins with glitter glitz, super fun. My final layout will post tomorrow. Have a great evening.